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PYBD Butterfly for Pyboard-D, breakout of X-Y position
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KIT PYBD adaptateur board (Pyboard-D)
Breakout of positions X & Y
1x Connecteur UEXT (I2C+SPI+UART)
1x StemmaQT / Qwiic (I2C)
2x Groove (I2C, UART)
3.3v & GND rails
UART & I2C connectors
prototyping board fro PYBStick
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Prototyping board for PYBStick
Prototyping Area
Power terminals
3x PYBStick breakouts
1x Raspberry GPIO (connector)
2x Grove (connector)
1x UEXT (connector)
Pico-HAT r2: Hat Interface for Raspberry-Pi Pico
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Control HATs and sensors from Your Raspberry-Pi Pico
Expose RPi GPIO header
Expose UEXT connector
Expose Grove, Qwiic, StemmaQT connectors
Map UART, I2C, SPI buses
Map Pico GPIO to RPi GPIO header
Reset button
Pico GPIOs replicat from prototyping
MOD-MPU9150 : IMU with 9 degree of Free
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MPU 9150
3-Axis Gyroscope - 2000°/sec
3-Axis Accelerometer +/- 16G
3-Axis Magnetometer +/- 1200µT
I2C Interface
UEXT connector
MOD-L3GD20 : 3 axis gyroscope L3GD20
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3-axis Gyroscope :
Scale: 250 / 500 / 2000 dps
16-bits data
Temperature (8 bits)
I2C Interface
Line: Data Ready, interrupt available
UEXT connector
MOD-IR-TEMP : Capteur de température MLX90614BAA sans contact
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Infrared Temperature Sensor without contact
Object temperature: -70°C to 380°C WITHOUT CONTACT
Sensor temperature: -40°C to 125°C
Precision: 0.02°C between 0 and 50°C
Precision: 0.5°C
Interface: I2C
UEXT connector