MicroPython boards


MicroPython is a optimized version of Python 3 for embeded systems.
PyBoard, the MicroPython board is a small microcontroler board able to run MicroPython on bare metal. Thanks to MicroPython, you have a python operating system working on a board and you can use it to control many electronic project. Whoaw, too much!... I Love It!!!

WBUS DIP28 breakout for Pyboard-D
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WBUS breakout board
Access to 24 GPIOS and many bus available
LiIon Battery Charger (BQ2407) with pyboard feedback
1x TILE connector available
Humidity, Temperature, Light sensor for Pyboard-D
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TILE Environmental sensor board
Humidity + Temperature (HDC2080)
Ambiant Light Sensor (ALS) / lux meter (OPT3001)
TILE connector
i2C Interface
for WBUS DIP68 or WBUS DIP28
6x6 RGB LED Matrix for Pyboard-D
In Stock
TILE RGB LED matrix board
6 x 6 RGB LED
TILE connector
I2C interface (0xc4)
for WBUS DIP68 or WBUS DIP28
PYBD Butterfly for Pyboard-D, breakout of X-Y position
Last items in stock
KIT PYBD adaptateur board (Pyboard-D)
Breakout of positions X & Y
1x Connecteur UEXT (I2C+SPI+UART)
1x StemmaQT / Qwiic (I2C)
2x Groove (I2C, UART)
3.3v & GND rails
UART & I2C connectors
WBUS Socket - 40 pos. conn. - SMD
In Stock
WBUS connector for PYBoard-D:
SMD Socket
40 pins
Hirose Electric DF40C-40DS-0.4V
For extension board side
Pico (RP2040) - 2 cores microcontroler from Raspberry-Pi
In Stock
100 Max. per order
Raspberry-Pi Pico Microcontoler
RP2040 Cortex M0+ @ 133 MHz, 2 cores
2 MBytes Flash
265 KBytes SRAM
30x GPIO @ 3.3V (26 freely available)
5x ADC 12bits (3x users, 1x VBus, 1x temperature)
16x PWM
2x UART, 2x I2C, 2x SPI
SWD debug port
MicroPython NADHAT HAT F405
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NADHAT F405 - MicroPython board with Raspberry-Pi's compatible GPIO
Drive PI's HAT with MicroPython
Combinate Pi + MicroPython development on a single plateforme
Metro M0 Express - ATSAMD21G18
In Stock
ATSAMD21G18 @ 48MHz
3.3V Logic
FLASH: 256 Kb
RAM: 32Kb
USB bootloader
Ready for Arduino and MicroPython (CircuitPython)
RP2040 PYBStick - 26 pins - MicroPython, C++
In Stock
Standard PYBStick 26, RP2040 microcontroler
MicroPython, C++
26 pins (PYBStick formfactor)
Flash 1 Mb
RAM 264 Ko
USB-A connector
Female connectors to be soldered.