Romi - The versatile robotic plateform

Romi Robot

The Romi product line and accessories based on the versatile Romi chassis and is a GREAT STARTING POINT  to build mobile robot. Romi is based on a differential-drive platform of 165 mm diameter integrating a battery holder for 6x AA batteries. The driving wheels are located on each side at the middle of the chassis allowing to turn or spin in place. The rear ball caster at the rear offers a third point of contact for stability (an optional ball caster can also been included in the front of the chassis). Romi is propelled with Mini Plastic Gearmotors and 70×8mm wheels. As the motors have backshafts, the Romi can also receive quadrature encoders to enable position feedback.

Romi robot - Chassis kit - Black
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Romi Chassis - Versatile mobile robot
Kit to start mobile robot plateforme
2 gearbox motors + 2 wheels
One ball caster
Romi plateform including battery holder with contacts
Robot Arm Kit for Romi - Black
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Robotic Arm kit for Romi
2 servos to control the arm.
1 gripper (with additionnal micro servo).
Gripper can be mounted vertically or horizontaly
Motor board for Romi Robot
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Motor controller for Romi robot
Motor driver: DRV8838 (2.5 to 10.8V, 1.8A per channel)
Power distribution
STEP-DOWN regulator (2.5 @ 5V, 3.3V)
Romi Robot controler board (32U4)
Controler board for ROMI - Arduino and Raspberry-Pi compatible
Processor: 32U4 @ 16 Mhz (RAM 2 Kb, FLASH 32 Kb)
Motor driver: DRV8838 (2.5 to 10.8V, 1.8A per channel)
logic level: 5V
Arduino Bootloader