Various sensors

Various sensors

The electronic shovel mixes category. Here you will find lots of sensors that we can't store in other categories like  infrared sensor, piezo or everything else you will need for you electronic assembly.

Piezo buzzer
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Piezoelectric buzzer, ideal to produce tones, beep and alert songs
[T] - Télécommande Infrarouge
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This product is being translated
Petite commande à distance bien pratique pour controller des robots ou autres projets au travers d'une pièce
Heart pulse sensor
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Pulse rate sensor
Diameter: 16mm
Thickness: 3mm
3 to 5 Volts
Analog output
MOD-MPU9150 : IMU with 9 degree of Free
In Stock
MPU 9150
3-Axis Gyroscope - 2000°/sec
3-Axis Accelerometer +/- 16G
3-Axis Magnetometer +/- 1200µT
I2C Interface
UEXT connector
MOD-L3GD20 : 3 axis gyroscope L3GD20
In Stock
3-axis Gyroscope :
Scale: 250 / 500 / 2000 dps
16-bits data
Temperature (8 bits)
I2C Interface
Line: Data Ready, interrupt available
UEXT connector