UEXT extension board


UEXT is a 10 pin IDC connector carrying I2C bus + SPI bus + Serial bus and 3.3V power supply.  UEXT board and extension board are very easy to wire and to use. As they are using standard buses, they are very efficient for prototyping and super easy to wire.

MOD-IR-TEMP : Capteur de température MLX90614BAA sans contact
In Stock
Infrared Temperature Sensor without contact
Object temperature: -70°C to 380°C WITHOUT CONTACT
Sensor temperature: -40°C to 125°C
Precision: 0.02°C between 0 and 50°C
Precision: 0.5°C
Interface: I2C
UEXT connector
Environmental sensor all-in-one - BME280 + CCS811
Last items in stock
Environmental sensor with UEXT connector
BME280 - Temperature, Humidity, Athmospheric pressure
CCS811 - eCO2 (Equivalent Carbon Dioxyd), VOC (Volatile Organic Compound)
Interface I2C
MicroPython ready
MOD-MPU9150 : IMU with 9 degree of Free
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MPU 9150
3-Axis Gyroscope - 2000°/sec
3-Axis Accelerometer +/- 16G
3-Axis Magnetometer +/- 1200µT
I2C Interface
UEXT connector
MOD-L3GD20 : 3 axis gyroscope L3GD20
In Stock
3-axis Gyroscope :
Scale: 250 / 500 / 2000 dps
16-bits data
Temperature (8 bits)
I2C Interface
Line: Data Ready, interrupt available
UEXT connector