

CanSat is an autonomous, low-volume capsule intended for carrying out scientific measurements at low and medium altitudes (0 to 1000m). A Cansat takes the form of a cylindrical device having the dimensions of a soda can; it can be launched by a rocket, a balloon or a drone. Equipped with a parachute, the sensors carry out their telemetric measurements both transmitted to the ground station and stored in the capsule.

Armature PCB for Cansat Pico / Cansat Feather
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Armature board for Cansat
Standard perforation for CanSat modules
Complementary onion perforation (additional anchors)
Solderable pads (screw anchors)
Cansat Pico & Cansat Feather compatible
Pico (RP2040) - 2 cores microcontroler from Raspberry-Pi
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25 Max. per order
Raspberry-Pi Pico Microcontoler
RP2040 Cortex M0+ @ 133 MHz, 2 cores
2 MBytes Flash
265 KBytes SRAM
30x GPIO @ 3.3V (26 freely available)
5x ADC 12bits (3x users, 1x VBus, 1x temperature)
16x PWM
2x UART, 2x I2C, 2x SPI
SWD debug port
Pico Header (RP2040) - 2 cores microcontroler from Raspberry-Pi
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Raspberry-Pi Pico Microcontoler
with header soldered
RP2040 Cortex M0+ @ 133 MHz, 2 cores
2 MBytes Flash
265 KBytes SRAM
30x GPIO @ 3.3V (26 freely available)
5x ADC 12bits (3x users, 1x VSys, 1x temperature)
16x PWM
2x UART, 2x I2C, 2x SPI
SWD debug port
RFM69HCW Transceiver Radio Breakout - 433 MHz - RadioFruit
RFM69HCW at 433Mhz
SX1231 based module with SPI interface
50mA to 150mA
~30mA during active radio listening.
Packet radio with ready-to-go Arduino libraries
Uses the amateur or license-free ISM band (ITU "Europe" license-free ISM)
Use a simple wire antenna or spot for uFL or SMA radio connector
500m to 2Km, even 5 (depending on the Antenna)