Touch, Flex, Softpad sensors

Touch, Flex, Pot, SoftPad

Buttons are use to warn software about user interaction, the touch interface product line contains many other kind of human-machine interfaces. Some advanced sensors allows your software to be sensitive to other physical phenomena like twist, pressure, soft potentiometer (touch pot.) would embellish the standards sensors like keyboard or pedal.

[T] - Clavier 16 touches souple
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Clavier numérique standard souple 16 touches (4 lettres) + EXTRA
[T] - Senseur de force + Extra
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Les senseurs FSR permettent de détecter des pressions physiques, torsions ou poids. Modèle Interlink 402 + Résistance.
[T] - Senseur de force CARRE
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Les senseurs FSR CARRE pour détecter la pressions ou poids. Modèle Interlink 406
[T] - Senseur Flex (Long) + Extra
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Détection de courbure (une direction) + Résistance. Modèle LONG!
Heart pulse sensor
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Pulse rate sensor
Diameter: 16mm
Thickness: 3mm
3 to 5 Volts
Analog output
M5Stack : potentiometer, Grove
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A mini angle/potentiometer Grove module
10K Ohms potentiometer
Analog output
GROVE connector
Lego Compatible (mechanically)
U005 module
M5Stack: Joystick Grove, I2C
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I2C Joystick, Grove
X, Y: analog output
Click: digital
I2C interface @ 0x52
Grove connector