Temperature, PT100, thermocouple, etc


Need to read the temperature? in a room or an oven ? Maybe did you want to use the industrial PT100 / PT1000 or thermocouple sensor? Don't look further, you are at the right place! This section will contains sensors and board designed to read the temperature in many situation...

MOD-IR-TEMP : Capteur de température MLX90614BAA sans contact
In Stock
Infrared Temperature Sensor without contact
Object temperature: -70°C to 380°C WITHOUT CONTACT
Sensor temperature: -40°C to 125°C
Precision: 0.02°C between 0 and 50°C
Precision: 0.5°C
Interface: I2C
UEXT connector
Gravity: Analog LM35 Temperature Sensor
In Stock
Gravity : Analog Temperature Sensor
LM35D: 0 to 100 °C
Analog output : 0 to 1 V
Accuracy : 0.5 C
Vout : 0 mv + 10mV/°C
Power supply : 4 to 20V