LCD Display 128x64, SPI 3 fils
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Graphical LCD Display - Serial
128 x 64 pixels
4.5 to 5V
ST7920 display controler
LCD12864 with SPI (3 fils) or parallel mode
White on blue background
Gravity Ozone Sensor 0-10ppm, I2C
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Gravity : Ozone O3 sensor
Range: 0-10ppm
Resolution: 0.01ppm
I2C interface
3.3V - 5.5V compatible
3D Gesture sensor
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Mini gesture sensor
Electric field (10 cm)
Near motion (5 cm)
I2C Interface 
3.3 / 5V compatible
Spatial resolution 150 dpi
pH measurement PRO kit, Gravity, analog
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pH meter kit
PRO - Industrial Probe (v2)
Power: 3.3 to 5V
Output: Analog 0 to 3.4V
Detection range: 0 - 14
Accuracy: +/-0.1 @ 25°C
Analog Signal Isolator, Gravity
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Analog signal isolator
Power: 5V
Signal: analog 0 to 5V
Gravity connector
Resp. time: 4sec