MicroPython boards


MicroPython is a optimized version of Python 3 for embeded systems.
PyBoard, the MicroPython board is a small microcontroler board able to run MicroPython on bare metal. Thanks to MicroPython, you have a python operating system working on a board and you can use it to control many electronic project. Whoaw, too much!... I Love It!!!

Metro M0 Express - ATSAMD21G18
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ATSAMD21G18 @ 48MHz
3.3V Logic
FLASH: 256 Kb
RAM: 32Kb
USB bootloader
Ready for Arduino and MicroPython (CircuitPython)
MicroPython NADHAT HAT F405
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NADHAT F405 - MicroPython board with Raspberry-Pi's compatible GPIO
Drive PI's HAT with MicroPython
Combinate Pi + MicroPython development on a single plateforme
Maixduino AI Development Kit K210 RISC-V AI + lOT ESP32
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MaixDuino - the K210 RISC-V development kit with display
Sipeed M1 (K210) 64 bits @ 400 Mhz
16 Mo de Flash
ESP32 for Wireless connectivity
AI capabilities
2.4" display (ST7789)
Camera (GC0328)
PlateformIO / Arduino IDE support
MicroPython pre-installed (MaixPy)
Arduino GIGA R1 WiFi
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Arduino Giga R1 + WiFi
USB-C + USB-A Hôte
2 Mio Flash
1 Mio RAM
STM32H747XI - Dual Core Cortex M7 @ 480Mhz + M4 @ 240Mhz
Murata 1DX - Wifi + Bluetooth
Revision R1
Logic 3.3V
Pyboard to UNO-R3 adapter + Extra
Pinout adapter to use your Pyboard with UNO-R3 pinout
Pinout conversion to Arduino UNO R3 (for shields)
OLED 128x64 (I2C)
Mangnetic Buzzer
Lipo Charger (NiMh compatible)
Servo output (4x)
UEXT port
Rapido port (Stemma & Qwiic compatible)