M5Stack (ESP)

M5Core & StickV (M5Stick) from M5Stack are products from a complete ecosystem based on ESP32. It offers a prototyping product and a hardware based solution. With M5Stack you have an IoT plateform with a exceptional finish while it is still affordable for the DIY makers. As M5Stack is based on ESP32 then the development can be conducted with Arduino IDE, MicroPython or UIFlow (code block like from M5Stack). 

At MCHobby, we did also selected the M5Stack because of its MicroPython support (we are MicroPython addicted).

M5Stack core + PM2.5 Air Quality kit
In Stock
M5Stack Core + Air quality measurement unit
M5Stack CoreESP32 512 Kb SRAM, 4 Mb Flash
LCD 320x240

PM2.5 Smoke Sensor / Air Quality
SHT20 Temperature and humidity sensor
M5Stack : ESP32 kit - D0WD (IoT dev) Core 2
Development platform ESP32, CORE2
ESP32 D0WD-V3 @ 240 Mhz
16Mb Flash, 8Mb PSRAM
Touch screen
Ultra low power sleep mode
2", 320x240, ILI9342C
390 mAh Lipo
Motorized return (haptic)
SD, Grove, Micro, IMU, RTC
Power management
I2S audio
MicroPython, Arduino, UIFlow