List of products by brand Olimex

RFID 13.56Mhz - USB module
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RFID reader (13.56Mhz, ISO15693 tags)
Keyboard interface
USB-Serial interface
MOD-IR-TEMP : Capteur de température MLX90614BAA sans contact
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Infrared Temperature Sensor without contact
Object temperature: -70°C to 380°C WITHOUT CONTACT
Sensor temperature: -40°C to 125°C
Precision: 0.02°C between 0 and 50°C
Precision: 0.5°C
Interface: I2C
UEXT connector
MOD-L3GD20 : 3 axis gyroscope L3GD20
In Stock
3-axis Gyroscope :
Scale: 250 / 500 / 2000 dps
16-bits data
Temperature (8 bits)
I2C Interface
Line: Data Ready, interrupt available
UEXT connector
MOD-MPU9150 : IMU with 9 degree of Free
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MPU 9150
3-Axis Gyroscope - 2000°/sec
3-Axis Accelerometer +/- 16G
3-Axis Magnetometer +/- 1200µT
I2C Interface
UEXT connector
SMT Protoboard
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Prototyping for for SMT components
SMT area
Prototype area