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Pico-HAT r2: Hat Interface for Raspberry-Pi Pico
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Control HATs and sensors from Your Raspberry-Pi Pico
Expose RPi GPIO header
Expose UEXT connector
Expose Grove, Qwiic, StemmaQT connectors
Map UART, I2C, SPI buses
Map Pico GPIO to RPi GPIO header
Reset button
Pico GPIOs replicat from prototyping
SMT Protoboard
In Stock
Prototyping for for SMT components
SMT area
Prototype area
Feather & UEXT to PYBStick interface board
In Stock
PYBStick interface for Adafruit's FeatherWing expansion
Feather port - for FeatherWings
PYBStick Port
UEXT connector (I2C+SPI+UART)
GaraCon connector (UART+2 GPIO)