Feather - Adafruit Industries


Feather are microcontroler's based development board designed by Adafruit that shortly became a new standard. As mentionned by their name, the Feathers are small and light. Feather can also be powered by Lipoly batteries and are suited for embeded projects. Feather exists with a variety of microcontroler as Atmel 32U4, Cortex M0 or M4, ESP8266, ESP32 and many other. The Feather ecosystem involve extension board named Feather Wings (or FeatherWing for short)

Feather Atmega328P 3.3V 8 Mhz
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Feather ATmega328P (classique 'Arduino' microcontroler)
Logique: 3.3V
ATmega 328P @ 8MHz
Flash: 32K
Ram: 2K
Chargeur Accu Lipo
GPIO: 19 + 2 broches entrée-analogique-uniquement.6x PWM, 8x entrée analogique.
Compatible: Arduino Pro Mini, Adafruit Metro 328
FeatherWing Doubler
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Feather Wing Doubler - Prototyping ad-on for all board
Feather & UEXT to PYBStick interface board
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PYBStick interface for Adafruit's FeatherWing expansion
Feather port - for FeatherWings
PYBStick Port
UEXT connector (I2C+SPI+UART)
GaraCon connector (UART+2 GPIO)
[T] - Header pour Feather
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This product is being translated
Connecteur pour Feather - 12 pin et 16 pin
Feather nRF52840 sense
Feather Bluetooth LE with sensors
Gyro / Accel LSM6DS33
Lux, proximity, movement: APDS9960
Humidity SHT
Pressure, temp.: BMP280