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Feather nRF52840 sense
Feather Bluetooth LE with sensors
Gyro / Accel LSM6DS33
Lux, proximity, movement: APDS9960
Humidity SHT
Pressure, temp.: BMP280
Feather nRF52 Bluefruit LE - nRF52832
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nRF52 Bluetooth LE Feather - nRF52832
ARM Cortex M4F @ 64MHz
512KB flash
nRF52832 - Bluetooth Low Energy, 2.4GHz
1.7v to 3.3v
19 GPIO, 8 x 12-bit ADC, up to 12 PWM outputs
Optional SWD connector for debugging
Console Kit for ODroid XU4
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Create a powerful gaming console with ODROID-XU4 or ODROID-XU4Q
a custom case for your XU4 + Hard-drive
Front panel LCD for custom display
4 USB port for game controlers
OGST - ODroid Game Station Turbo
Adafruit CRICKIT for Feather
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Crickit - Creative Robotics & Interactive Construction Kit
for all the les Feather
MakeCode, Arduino, CircuitPython
interface I2C
4x Servo Motor controler -OR- Analog
2x DC motor controler (PWM)
4x Power output (relay, solenoid, etc)
4x Capacitive input
8x digital I/O (or analog input)
1x NeoPixel LED controler
1x Audio amplifier (selectable pin)
Adafruit CLUE Express - nRF52840, Bluetooth LE
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Adafruit CLUE - Cortex M4
Nordic nRF52840 - @ 64 Mhz
1Mb Flash, 256 KB RAM
TFT 240 x 240
2MB Flash storage
Sensors (LSM6DS33, LIS3MDL, APDS9960, microphone, sht, BMP280)
Arduino / CircuitPython only