Motor controler - electronic to propel and control motors

Motor controler

The microcontroler usually needs some help when they need to control motors. This is because the motors are consuming lot of current (or power) and that microcontroler are not taillored for such amount of current.

Thankfuly, they are Motor Controlers! They can be as simple as L293, L298 or more advanced board, the motor controler are there to ease your life by taking care about all the stuff related to motor power control.

With thoses board and breakouts you will ba able to tame DC motors, stepper motors, servo motors, etc. All you need to motorise your project and made it autonomous in our human world.

Adafruit CRICKIT for Feather
In Stock
Crickit - Creative Robotics & Interactive Construction Kit
for all the les Feather
MakeCode, Arduino, CircuitPython
interface I2C
4x Servo Motor controler -OR- Analog
2x DC motor controler (PWM)
4x Power output (relay, solenoid, etc)
4x Capacitive input
8x digital I/O (or analog input)
1x NeoPixel LED controler
1x Audio amplifier (selectable pin)
Romeo v2 - Arduino compatible + robotic controler
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Robotic + microcontroler board
32u4 - Arduino Leonardo compatible
Motor: 6-23V DC
2x DC Motor (2A) or 1 Stepper
XBee connector
APC220 connector
microUSB connector
Also known Romeo V2 / DFR0225
DRV2605L - haptic/Vibra motor controller
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DRV2605L motor controller
Buzzer & vibration motors, Haptic human/machine interface
Various effects (ramp, click, ...)
3 to 5V DC
I2C interface