

Micro:Bit is a learning plateform for young engineering. Microbit is a great plateform for people wanting to put live in their objects or wanting to get introduced to programmation. Micro:bit is also great as an induction to electronics. The great thing about Micro:bit the programming languages ! Indeed, it can be programmed with the graphical MakeCode (from your web browser), Python Script (with MicroPyhton) and Javascript.

Adafruit CLUE Express - nRF52840, Bluetooth LE
Last items in stock
Adafruit CLUE - Cortex M4
Nordic nRF52840 - @ 64 Mhz
1Mb Flash, 256 KB RAM
TFT 240 x 240
2MB Flash storage
Sensors (LSM6DS33, LIS3MDL, APDS9960, microphone, sht, BMP280)
Arduino / CircuitPython only