Inertial Measurement Unit 9DOF - LSM6DSOX + LIS3MDL - Qwiic/StemmaQt
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Inertial Measurement Unit 9DOF - LSM6DSOX + LIS3MDL - Qwiic/StemmaQt

Inertial Measurement Unit 9 DoF

  • IMU
  • Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Magnetometer
  • 9 Degrees of Freedom

€27.61 (tax incl.) €22.82 (tax excl.)
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9 degrees-of-freedom IMU - LSM6DSOC + LIS3MDL - Gyroscope + Accelerometer + magnetometer

This breakout board adds a 9 Degree of freedom to your Arduino/Microcontroler project. This all-in-one sensor can measure motion, direction and orientation thanks to the two chips fitted on the board. Grab the full motion sensor data from it.

The LSM6DSOX from ST is a 6-DoF IMU accelerometer + gyro. The 3-axis accelerometer tells you if the sensor have been knocked out, accelerating in the space -OR- giving you the direction of the board regarding the centre of the earth (measuring the G gravity). The gyroscope is used to measure rotation speed in the 3 direction of the space allowing you to detect spin, twist and tilt.

The LSM6DSOX can be configured to select various data rates and range sensitivity. The accelerometer cover ranges of ±2/±4/±8/±16 g from refresh rate from 1.6 Hz to 6.7KHz. The gyroscope cover ranges of ±125/±250/±500/±1000/±2000 dps (Degree per second) with refresh rate from 12.5 Hz to 6.7 kHz. As extra feature, the chip can detect tap, activity and have advanced feature for pedometer/step counter. The programmable finite state machine and machine learning core would allows to perform basic gesture recognition.

The LIS3MDL companion (also from ST) is a 3-axis magnetometer and is used to detect the magnetic forces around the sensor. So you can tell from which direction is coming the strongest magnetic force. Without external magnetic source involved into the area, the magnetometer can be used to indicates where to find the magnetic north.

By combining all the IMU data you will be able to orient the board (and the project attached to the board) in the space.

Those chips from ST are well known for their good performances and affordable price. This nice 9 DoF IMU allow you to design affordable project with activity / motion tracking thank to the IMU data.

As many of the Adafruit board, this breakout is fitted with voltage regulator and level-shifter. So it is can be use with 3V or 5V power/logic devices without worry. The I2C interface and some interrupt pins from each chip are made available on breakout pad, just solder a pinHeader to use it with a breadboard.

This newer version of the board now comes with Qwiic (SparkFun)/StemmaQT (Adafruit) connector. Such connector transport I2C bus togheter with the power. It is a great way to connect sensors and breakout boards to your projet. If your microcontroler is not yet compatible with Qwiic/StemmaQt then you can use a JSTSH4 to wire adapter to provide Qwiic/StemmaQT capability to your microcontroler.

The breakout comes fully assembled and tested!

Technical details

LSM6DS33 Specifications:

  • ±2/±4/±8/±16 g full scale (refresh rate: 1.6Hk to 6.7KHz)
  • ±125/±250/±500/±1000/±2000 dps full scale
    (refresh rate: 12.5Hz to 6.7KHz)
  • continuous mode and single mode
  • Detection of significant motion and tilt
  • Detection of Free-fall, wake-up, click, double-click, orientation 4D/6D
  • Programmable state machine: accelerometer,gyroscope and external sensor
  • Machine learning core
  • I2C Address 0x6A or 0x6B

LIS3MDL Specifications:

  • ±4/±8/±12/±16 gauss selectable magnetic full scales
  • Continuous and single-conversion modes
  • 16-bit data output
  • Interrupt generator
  • I2C Address 0x1C or 0x1E

Size: 25.6mm x 17.8mm x 4.6mm
