[T] - DHT11 humidity - temperature sensor
DHT11 basic humidity-temperature sensor
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DHT11 is a very affordable and basic temperature and humidity sensor. This product uses a capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor (for temperature) to measure the surrounding air and send the data on a digital pin (the DATA pin, no analog input required).
It is really very simple to implement but requires very precise control of the time when we want to capture the data. The only real downside to this sensor is that you get new data once every two seconds. Consequently, when you query the sensor using the library, the value obtained is already two seconds old (which can be very important for servo and air conditioning projects).
Compared to DHT22, this sensor is less precise, less reliable and works over a smaller temperature and humidity range, but it is also a little cheaper.
Delivered with a 4.7K or 10K resistor used as a pull-up resistor in order to bring the potential of the DATA pin to VCC.
Technical details
- Very inexpensive
- 3 to 5V power supply (also for I/O)
- Max current: 2.5mA during conversion (and data transmission)
- Suitable for reading a humidity level of 20 to 80% (with an accuracy of 5%)
- Suitable for temperature reading from 0 to 50°C (with an accuracy of ± 2°C)
- Max sampling at 1 Hz (once every second)
- Body size: 15.5mm x 12mm x 5.5mm
- 4 pins connector
- DHT11 datasheet (Chinese)
- Our tutorial on using DHT11 and DHT22 in French for Arduino
- AdaFruit offers a tutorial in English on the use of DHT11 and DHT22 with Arduino.
- AdaFruit offers a tutorial in English on the use of DHT11 and DHT22 with Raspberry Pi.
- A connected weather station (Adafruit, English)