2N2222 NPN transistor, 30V, 800mA, 100hFE, TO18
1x 2N2222 NPN transistor
- Vbe 30V,
- Ic: 800mA
- 500 mW
- hFE: 100
- TO-98 (métal)
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2N2222 transistor for VHF application
The NPN 2N2222 transistor is a variant of the famous P2N2222AG with some variations in its characteristics. This one, identifiable by its metal cover (TO98), is rather used in linear power supplies, switching power supply.
Its interest lies mainly in its hFE of 100 and its transition frequency at 250 MHz; it's an ideal candidate for VHF amplification and signal processing.
If you are a beginner, this transistor is not to be confused with the P2N2222 which is much more widespread among makers.
Technical details
- Category: Bipolar (BJT)
- Breakdown voltage (Vce): 30V @ IC = 10mA
- Ic: 800mA (Continuous DC)
- hFE Gain: 100 hFE
- Power dissipaction: 500mW @ 25°C
- Junction temp.: -65°C to 200°C
- Working temp.: 200°C
- Vce(sat): 1.6V @ IC = 500mA (IB = 50mA)
- Gain: 30 in DC current Ic=500mA, VCE = 10V
- Vbe breakdown voltage: 60V (IC = 10µA, IE = 0)
- Transition frequency: 250MHz @ IC = 20 mA, VCE = 20 V, f = 100 MHz
- TO-98
- Type : NPN
- 2N2222 datasheet