RGB Shield for Arduino
- Control analog RGB LED strip
- 6A max / 50V DC max
- Arduino Pin 3, 5, 6
- Assembled with staking header
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Control the color of RGB analog strip LED with this RGB shield for Arduino
Take the control over your analog RGB LEDs ou RGB LED strip (up to 50V) with this shield owning high current mosfet transistor. It is possible to create a large color palette by controling the transitor with PWM signal to mix various R,G,B color at various level.
In it default configuration, le shield uses the VIN (connected to the Arduino's JACK connector) to power the strip led. Quite useful when the strip LED is using 12V leds. BUT PAY ATTENTION: in this case, the max current is about 2A (when the VIN track can handle on the Arduino Board without getting affected).
You can change the PWR jumper to power the shield from the PWR connector (instead of VIN). In that case, the strip LED could be managed with a voltage as high as 50VDC and a max current reaching 6A! That more convenient to control longer RGB strip LED. That's veryyy cool.
The shield does bring LEDs (red, green, blue) ont the board. You can use them to check the control signal on the transistors. So you can check your Arduino code without powering the full strip LED.
The shield has Stacking Header, so you can use this board with other Arduino's Shield.
The assembled shield, already pre-configured to use the VIN power source. Arduino, RGB strip led, power supply, etc are not included.
You need an Arduino to make it running.
Technical details
- Current of 2A via VIN -or- 6A via the PWR connector
- Power supply 12V or 24V
- Arduino pins:
- Pin 3: PWM signal for RED
- Pin 5: PWM signal for GREEN
- Pin 6: PWM signal for BLUE
- Transistor: BUK9535, Mosfet, Channel-N, 34A.
- Size: 75x55x25mm
Max current et power dissipation
As designed, the board is used as heatsink (see under the board), so we recomand to not exceed the current max rated to 6A. If you want to hack it, you can replace this pseudo heatsink with a real one (and bigger one) to improve power dissipation. In such situation, you could drive more important current.