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Feather & UEXT to PYBStick interface board
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PYBStick interface for Adafruit's FeatherWing expansion
Feather port - for FeatherWings
PYBStick Port
UEXT connector (I2C+SPI+UART)
GaraCon connector (UART+2 GPIO)
MOD-MPU9150 : IMU with 9 degree of Free
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MPU 9150
3-Axis Gyroscope - 2000°/sec
3-Axis Accelerometer +/- 16G
3-Axis Magnetometer +/- 1200µT
I2C Interface
UEXT connector
MOD-L3GD20 : 3 axis gyroscope L3GD20
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3-axis Gyroscope :
Scale: 250 / 500 / 2000 dps
16-bits data
Temperature (8 bits)
I2C Interface
Line: Data Ready, interrupt available
UEXT connector
MOD-LED8x8RGB : 8x8 RGB LED matrix
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MOD-LED8x8RGB : Large 8x8 RGB LEDs matrix
Serial Protocol (Data,Latch,Sck)
Stackable by design
60 x 60mm
ESP32 Wifi Module - Evaluation Board
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ESP32 WiFI module
module ESP32-WROOM32
Built-in programmer for Arduino and ESP-IDF
Connectivité WiFi, BLE
Interface: Ethernet 100Mb
MicroSD card
2 x relais
Interface CAN
IR received/transmitter (5 m max)
LiPo charger for stand alone operation during power breaks with 4 status LEDs
External supply: 5V jack
Connector UEXT
GPIO 40 pin (all ESP32 ports)
Pyboard to UNO-R3 adapter + Extra
Pinout adapter to use your Pyboard with UNO-R3 pinout
Pinout conversion to Arduino UNO R3 (for shields)
OLED 128x64 (I2C)
Mangnetic Buzzer
Lipo Charger (NiMh compatible)
Servo output (4x)
UEXT port
Rapido port (Stemma & Qwiic compatible)
prototyping board fro PYBStick
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Prototyping board for PYBStick
Prototyping Area
Power terminals
3x PYBStick breakouts
1x Raspberry GPIO (connector)
2x Grove (connector)
1x UEXT (connector)
PYBD Butterfly for Pyboard-D, breakout of X-Y position
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KIT PYBD adaptateur board (Pyboard-D)
Breakout of positions X & Y
1x Connecteur UEXT (I2C+SPI+UART)
1x StemmaQT / Qwiic (I2C)
2x Groove (I2C, UART)
3.3v & GND rails
UART & I2C connectors
Pico-HAT r2: Hat Interface for Raspberry-Pi Pico
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Control HATs and sensors from Your Raspberry-Pi Pico
Expose RPi GPIO header
Expose UEXT connector
Expose Grove, Qwiic, StemmaQT connectors
Map UART, I2C, SPI buses
Map Pico GPIO to RPi GPIO header
Reset button
Pico GPIOs replicat from prototyping