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Adafruit CRICKIT for Feather
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Crickit - Creative Robotics & Interactive Construction Kit
for all the les Feather
MakeCode, Arduino, CircuitPython
interface I2C
4x Servo Motor controler -OR- Analog
2x DC motor controler (PWM)
4x Power output (relay, solenoid, etc)
4x Capacitive input
8x digital I/O (or analog input)
1x NeoPixel LED controler
1x Audio amplifier (selectable pin)
MicroPython NADHAT HAT F405
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NADHAT F405 - MicroPython board with Raspberry-Pi's compatible GPIO
Drive PI's HAT with MicroPython
Combinate Pi + MicroPython development on a single plateforme
Gravity : 37 sensor kit
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37 Gravity sensors
Fast connection (Gravity)
15 Digital modules
12 Analog modules
5 Special modules
Gravity : 27 sensor kit (Arduino)
Last items in stock
27 Gravity sensors
Fast connection (Gravity)
8 Digital modules
12 Analog modules
2 Special modules
Tic T500 USB Multi-Interface Stepper Motor Controller
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Tic T500 USB Multi-Interface Stepper Motor Controller
USB, Serial, I2C, Analog, Quadrature encoder, hobby radio control
4.5 to 35V
1.5A (2.5 with forced air)
Connector soldered
M5Stack : mini GPS/BDS (AT6558), Grove
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A mini GPS Grove module
Based on AT6558 chipset
UART output
GROVE connector (blue)
Lego Compatible (mechanically)
U032 module
Micro:bit v2.2 - Starter Kit
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Micro:bit V2 - Starter kit
1x Micro:bit V2.2
1x USB cable
1x Battery bloc
2x AAA batteries
Adafruit CLUE Express - nRF52840, Bluetooth LE
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Adafruit CLUE - Cortex M4
Nordic nRF52840 - @ 64 Mhz
1Mb Flash, 256 KB RAM
TFT 240 x 240
2MB Flash storage
Sensors (LSM6DS33, LIS3MDL, APDS9960, microphone, sht, BMP280)
Arduino / CircuitPython only
MakeKit - MD2 Drone - MakeADrone
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MD2 drone
Kit to assemble (Learning and Makers)
Payload: possible from 60 to 100gr
12~13 min of flytime
Radio transmiter and receiver (CE certified)
Maixduino AI Development Kit K210 RISC-V AI + lOT ESP32
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MaixDuino - the K210 RISC-V development kit with display
Sipeed M1 (K210) 64 bits @ 400 Mhz
16 Mo de Flash
ESP32 for Wireless connectivity
AI capabilities
2.4" display (ST7789)
Camera (GC0328)
PlateformIO / Arduino IDE support
MicroPython pre-installed (MaixPy)
PYB Nano - MicroPython development board
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PYB Nano - MicroPython Development board
STM32 F411CEU6 @ 100 Mhz
512 Kb Internal Flash
8 Mo external Flash
Compatible Pyboard