Feather - Adafruit Industries


Feather are microcontroler's based development board designed by Adafruit that shortly became a new standard. As mentionned by their name, the Feathers are small and light. Feather can also be powered by Lipoly batteries and are suited for embeded projects. Feather exists with a variety of microcontroler as Atmel 32U4, Cortex M0 or M4, ESP8266, ESP32 and many other. The Feather ecosystem involve extension board named Feather Wings (or FeatherWing for short)

ESP32 Feather Board - HUZZAH32
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ESP32 (WROOM32 module)
240 MHz - Tensilica LX6 Dual Core
RAM: 520 Kb
WiFi 802.11b/g/n
Bluetooth (BLE and Classic)
Adafruit CRICKIT for Feather
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Crickit - Creative Robotics & Interactive Construction Kit
for all the les Feather
MakeCode, Arduino, CircuitPython
interface I2C
4x Servo Motor controler -OR- Analog
2x DC motor controler (PWM)
4x Power output (relay, solenoid, etc)
4x Capacitive input
8x digital I/O (or analog input)
1x NeoPixel LED controler
1x Audio amplifier (selectable pin)